2023-24 Kevin Higgins College Scholarship Recipient: Gabrielle Bryant

Over the past four years, Gabrielle Bryant has transformed from rugby rookie to collegiate athlete. She found rugby during her freshman year of high school and quickly hit her stride with Try Time Rugby Club. Her rugby career has been about playing and learning as much about the sport as possible. “This sport has quite literally changed the way I live my day to day life. My life revolves around this sport. I have practice 2-3 times a week with tournaments on Saturdays, and every day I don't have training or a game, I weight lift and workout. Every aspect of my life I try and use to help me become a better player and teammate. I love this sport so much that I want my life to be about this sport.” Her hard work and determination has led her to achieve MVP honors in her junior season and an Eagle Impact Rugby Academy tour invite.

“Gabby Bryant is one of my BEST players as well as the most popular player amongst her peers. Her strong leadership skills and caring approach earned her the respect of the whole team. There's no doubt of how much of a beast she is on the pitch, but off the field, she's one of the kindest, most compassionate human beings I've ever known. Her level of integrity and sense of responsibility is far above her age, and I have no doubt she will excel at whatever she chooses in life, as long as she is given the opportunity to do so,” said Tai Tuisamoa, Try Time Rugby Club President.
Gabrielle attended Rancho Bernardo High School in San Diego, California. She graduated with a 3.39 GPA and participated in various extracurricular activities. Along with managing rugby and school, Gabrielle held a job at local favorite, Phil’s BBQ Restaurant.
She will continue to play rugby at the collegiate level while attending Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Missouri. She will pursue a bachelor’s degree in exercise science with aspirations of becoming an athletic trainer. “Sports has always been a big part of my life and I've come to the realization that I always want to have sports in my life and this career is a perfect opportunity. Helping athletes seems like a great job and I am fascinated by watching athletic trainers do their jobs and help these athletes continue with their passions,” said Bryant.